Saint Peter Julian Eymard
St. Peter Julian Eymard, the great APOSTLE OF THE EUCHARIST, is our patron.
"My abiding in this center is made easy for me since I live with the Eucharist, and the Eucharist is the occupation and even the exterior law of my life. It will be easier for me than in any other state since it is my grace." - St. Peter Julian Eymard
St. Peter Julian Eymard was canonized during the Second Vatican Council on December 9, 1962 by St. Pope John, XXIII, and given the title, Apostle of the Eucharist. St. Peter Julian believed that Mary, the Mother of God, brought him to Jesus in the Eucharist. From that moment on, he lived his life in the Eucharist. His love for the Blessed Mother and his relationship with her helped St. Peter Julian establish the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.
This Outstanding Apostle of the Eucharist blessed the Church with the most magnificent title for Mary—OUR LADY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. The charism of St. Peter Julian Eymard held the fire of God’s love alive in his heart by the faithful dedication to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. St. Peter Julian’s love lives through the lives of his daughters and sons when we celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist worthily, adore Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and proclaim it prophetically for God’s greater glory.
This Outstanding Apostle of the Eucharist blessed the Church with the most magnificent title for Mary—OUR LADY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. The charism of St. Peter Julian Eymard held the fire of God’s love alive in his heart by the faithful dedication to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. St. Peter Julian’s love lives through the lives of his daughters and sons when we celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist worthily, adore Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and proclaim it prophetically for God’s greater glory.